Wednesday, January 14, 2009


the handwritten letter is my chosen subject.

it is apparent to me that the handwritten letter is a dying practice and it is because of the advancement of technology that allows us to communicate via phone, an email or a text message. it is also ironic that i am here typing away on my computer while attemping to talk about the hand written letter.

first and foremost, i made a mind map just to get a rough giude on how wide my topic might be and i can say that it is wide. swaying from the creation of hieroglyphics, writing tools, delivery methods, etiquette, customs, love and even the dead.

here is just an overview of what i have researched so far and not yet cosolidated in words. some questions to ask ourselves, who actually invented writing letters and when did it even started?


archive fever
how do we accumulate and gather around a
specific topic? one of the greatest and most
constant challenges of a designer is representing
research through objects, images,
documents — in classifying and systematizing
an archive as a means to expressing and
developing the poetics of the individual’s
viewpoint. the personal archive is a link
between the individual design practice and
the larger context of our visual and cultural
legacy. this project includes the development
of the initial idea through a personal
collection or set of objects, documents,
images, etc., which must conform the graphic
designer’s statement.